25 May 2009

Team 3 Earthwatch Woodside TeachLive Day 3

Thankyou Caroline for finding this blog so I can describe what a fantastic day we had at Ningaloo Reef, with its wealth of species and incredibly large biomass. We started the day on the reef with a make-sure-you-don't-sink snorkel, meet a few turtles and 3 Tawny Grey Nurse Shark, one who was not pleased with us. Then once the staff were happy we could swim it was off to meet our first Whale Shark, sighted just after our talk on what to do when in the water with the Whale shark. Team one in, team two get ready, check camera, camera failed then shark dived, swim aborted. Next shark team 2 first in, camera worked, go go go!! Shark was great, big majestic and nonchalent. Thanks for the experience.

Another shark is sighted, so is an Ocean Going Manta Ray, so we detour, meet up have a swim and a chat, then off on another detour this time to a 1000 member pod of spinner dolphins. These were great. These mammals were going crazy, jumping, racing the boat and doing their name thing and a couple of crew decided to come back as spinner dolphins.

Next another Whale shark who was just great he thought of our boat as home, under the boat, around the boat, then all over again, followed the swimmers almost onto the marlin board. Obviously this shark had not read the 3 meter rule.

End of the day a quiet snorkel for those who had the energy. Did I mention the great food, the informative staff, the great company and the ambience of the water and coastline. Looking forward to another day on the water getting used to new experiences and mind expanding experiences.


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