13 May 2009

Team 1: It's Counting Time...

It’s been a busy week for the six Earthwatch Volunteers. And now it’s time for the final count so you all can see for yourself just how much they’ve helped the ECOCEAN Photo-Identification Library.

Days on the water: 3/person
Days in the lab: 3/person
Whale sharks photo-tagged: 20
Sharks processed (images from local dive operators): 167
(Both new sharks and repeat Ningaloo visitors)

The highlight of the photo-tagging was a repeat sighting of a shark that was originally seen in 1996, and then was only identified by its right hand patterning. Now several of the Exmouth whale shark operators have had the pleasure of swimming with this eight meter shark on multiple occasions over the course of this past week. He now has a happy home in the library, as shark A-221.

Thank you to all for your enthusiasm and hard work: Natalie, Tanya, Leah, Doris, Alex, Ken! And a special thanks to Yohanna for keeping everyone excited and entertained. It’s been a great start to the season!

Now stay tuned as more sharks are photo-tagged and processed into the library in the weeks to come.

Signing off,
Steve and Darcy

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