29 May 2009

Team 3 Earthwatch Woodside TeachLive Day 7

Well today wraps up a pretty spectacular time here in Exmouth for all involved, including me! The last two weeks here have seen some amazing creatures (and people) and plenty of balmy sunshine to soak up before heading home to the "real" winter of the south-east coast.

Today was our final snorkel together as a team, back at Lakeside, which is the best spot I've seen while I've been here. Even better than last week, there were plenty of sting rays, black tip reef sharks and finally I got to see a green turtle which is all I wanted to see before I left! He was a cruisey turtle swimming through the shallows at the back of the reef area who didn't seem to mind that I tagged behind for a while. There were cod, there were trevally, there were snub-nosed dart fish which were pretty spectacular and the usual small reef fish busy in the currents and busy protecting their little patches of delight. The current was a bit stronger today so it was interesting if you paused for a second to adjust your goggles, you'd look down to return to what you were looking at and find an entirely different system! Hang on a second! Where am I???? You had drifted well beyond where you thought you were, but it just created a new paradise to explore. So much to see, so little time. I would highly recommend a snorkel at this site any day. I'm glad I got to see it twice.

The team have done a superb job of sighting whale sharks all week, and entertaining each other during the nights. Tonight is our last night together before we all go our seperate ways, but I am certain it's been a fabulous time had by all and an amazing week or two of marine discoveries. There have been mermaids around the place.....hmmmmmm......

Lighthouse for sunset again tonight before we go which puts the icing on the cake really.
Cheerio to Exmouth.


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